20 May 2019

The Yashica Electro 35 GSN

The Yashica

This camera is often the one that gets most attention when I'm out shooting.

A day at the polo
- Yashica Electro 35GSN, Fuji C200

I think it has to do with its sixties aesthetics; leatherette with its metal-and-leatherette combination alongside the smooth edges. It really does please the eye. As well as that, its the camera used by Andrew Garfield in the first Amazing Spider-Man. Nonetheless, the real magic happens with the lens.

Frame within a frame
- Yashica Electro 35GSN, Fuji C200

The 45mm f1.7 Yashinon is surprisingly good for the camera's price range. I can't say its clinically sharp at closer looks, but the results are more than usable. Plus, the bokeh looks amazing.

- Yashica Electro 35GSN, Fuji C200

A camera that is this old is bound to have some issues. In my case, it comes in three forms: the focus, the viewfinder, and the leaks. The first two are likely related; the viewfinder is dim, so I miss my focus (as seen above). However, I still feel that the focussing mechanism might have need fixing anyways. 

A day at the polo II
- Yashica Electro 35GSN, Fuji C200

The last issue is the light leaks, present in the first two images. The streaks on the left side do look cool, but at the same time they can easily ruin a photograph. In these cases I like them, but I can see how they might annoy me in the future.
